Monday, 9 April 2012

Caveat Emptor

  Something in my soul jibes at being cheated. It first came to my notice as a young teenager that people would try and put one over you if they could, and you let them. I'd saved my paper round earnings to buy a bike from a lad down the road. It wasn't a fantastic bike, it only had 3 gears, but it was a lot better than the one I had before. I negotiated a price with him, and once I'd saved enough money I went to buy the bike.
  As I rode away from his house I noticed something wrong; I couldn't change gear. It soon became apparent that I'd been cheated; that he'd swapped the rear wheel. I turned round and pedalled back to his house my temperature rising a point for every yard cycled.
  He was waiting for me with a grin on his face. He told me I'd bought the bike sold as seen and it wasn't his fault if I didn't check before I handed over the money. All very true, but it wasn't in the same condition as when I'd checked it over a month before when I agreed to buy it. 
  After a short period of negotiation, which consisted of me hitting him, he agreed to put the original wheel back on. I cycled happily away for the second time on my new bike having learnt a valuable lesson. 


  • Anonymous says:
    10 April 2012 at 07:29

    I like your method of negotiation. I think he learnt a valuable lesson too...

  • Anonymous says:
    7 July 2012 at 09:04

    Hi just found your poetry and blogs with music on them. There's some lovely stuff there! Have you put it all into an anthology and e-booked it? Anyway long time and nothing from you in the digital world, so I expect you are busy in the real world writing or having family time. Anyway keeping you in my prayers and asking God to look out for you. God bless.

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