Sunday 5 February 2012

Let It Snow...

...but only for a short time, and don't let it settle.
    For as long as I can remember I've always been a Scrooge about snow. I hate the stuff. I concede, that viewed through double glazed windows, seated by a log fire, with a glass of beer to hand, it can have a certain charm.
    Most of my working life has been spent doing jobs where snow has been a hindrance. I spent a long time working for BT (major telecomms company in the UK). A fair proportion of that time was spent outdoors carrying ladders and reels of cable in order to make overhead repairs. Arduous work at the best of times, but in the snow...
    Then there was the driving from one job to the next. It's all very well weather warnings that advise: 'Don't drive unless your journey is vital.' To the management every journey was vital, as it was to the nutters one met on the roads.
    Now, as a school caretaker, it's my responsibility to ensure that the paths and driveway of the school are safe. Winter's fine without the snow but give me the other three seasons any day.
    As I write I can hear my children outside in the street shrieking with laughter as they build a snowman and throw snowballs at each other. It's time I think for a cup of tea and hot buttered toast.

Why not check out my début novel:
Coming Home


  • Anonymous says:
    11 March 2012 at 15:02

    Oh my goodness! So you're a trained tool maker - proper job AND you're the most important man in a school? You lucky so and so. How useful to society do you get to be? I'm a Literature graduate and was an English teacher. The words 'chocolate teapot' come to mind. I'm impressed Chris. As a teacher I knew who the most important people in the school were and after the students it was the non teaching staff, embodied by the caretaker; the name itself points out that the only person in the school doing a caring job any more is what the Americans call the Janitor. Care Taker and Tool Maker - good labels. I'm genuinely impressed. If you haven't done it for a while look in the mirror and salute yourself - men like you make this country great!

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