Saturday 18 February 2012

Oh God

    Is Richard Dawkins a secret believer in God? Does the leader of the sect of Atheism, subconsciously at least, believe in the Almighty God?
    On the Radio 4 Today program recently, in a discussion with Giles Fraser, the former Canon of St. Paul's, Dawkins stated that many Christians couldn't name the first book of the New Testament. Therefore he concluded, these so called Christians were not real Christians at all.
    Fraser in turn asked if Dawkins could name the full title of, 'On The Origin of Species,' by Charles Darwin.
This after all is the handbook of the atheist movement; their Bible. Dawkins confidently stated he could and was challenged to do so.
    It doesn't matter that he couldn't, not many people could, after all the full title, 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life,' hardly trips off the tongue.
    What amused me greatly, and this is not something many commentators have picked up on, is that Dawkins in his halting attempts to name the book, called on the name of the Almighty for his help. I wonder if it amused God as much as it amused me? I'd like to think so.
    Put people in a stressful enough situation and they invariably call on God's help, whether they admit to believing in Him or not. But then, to me, it doesn't seem odd that people should do so. What is more natural after all than calling on the name of the One who created all things when the going gets tough.
    It surely can't be long now before Dawkins comes out and publicly admits he's a secret God believer. His conscious just needs to catch up with his subconscious.

Why not check out my début novel:  Coming Home


  • Anonymous says:
    11 March 2012 at 14:52

    I got blocked on Twitter by Mitch Ben from the Now Show for teasing him when he 'Thanked God' that he was away from London during last year's riots. I'm a massive fan of Mitch Ben, but teasing him about calling on God when he was an atheist was too much temptation. He said he was taking God's name in vain. I said it was 'all in vain if there was no God' and added 'If there's no God then it's 70 years on a doomed planet clutching and i-phone' He didn't reply and I didn't get his feeds any more. Made me laugh. Also I've read 'The Selfish Gene' and Dawkin's science is spot on. Thing is that an intelligent designer would use a selective, self replicating DNA system if He was going to have a universe that was based on the chaos of diversity. Once again scientists work out how the universe is put together and claim there is no God; erroneous links between science and a claim that God doesn't exist abound. Dawkins is the author of one of my favourite remarks about organised religion; 'The church teaches the proliferation of the acceptance of non answers'. I agree with this. As you correctly point out Dawkins is right to claim that Christians don't know the Bible; There's a lot of ignorance abounding in organised religion and in science. It's lucky we're around to help God put them straight eh Chris?

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